closed in January 2023 • this is an archive site was a family of artists dedicated to making art that looks out to the world and believing that art enriches the world and makes it a better place.

You can read our message of farewell and explore the archive –
a treasure trove of events, happenings, exhibitions and other stuff that did with its wonderful family from 2016 to 2023. Visit our YouTube channel.

You can still purchase our publications. Books while stocks last + eBooks.

You can also read some of the many responses to our farewell message.

A huge thank you all who participated and otherwise engaged with us. The world still needs you!

Broken Homes

Broken Homes Sue Hill   Abstract This paper focuses on the complexity of notions of 'home', with special reference to the work I have been doing in conflict areas, through WildWorks and the Eden Project, with people who have experienced what happens when more...

Why the Moon, Luke?

Found on Tidal Cultures Why the Moon, Luke? Luke Jerram is that rare bird, a genuinely popular yet acclaimed contemporary artist. And he's obsessed with the moon. So he's made one: seven metres wide featuring 120dpi detailed NASA imagery, and he's taking it around the...

Tidal Cultures

Tidal Cultures is a wonderful collection of stories, links, essays, media programmes and more collected in a blog published Owain Jones (Bath Spa University). He says: I have always had, as far as I remember, an awareness of tides, and also a fascination from them, a...

the sea cannot be depleted

the sea cannot be depleted is a spoken word and sound piece about the Solway Firth about a sense of place that comes with living with that estuary and about what has been placed under the surface of the sea. It's a wonderful new work by Wallace Heim, and...

The Severn Bore at Minus Four

For a few days last week the UK become completely dominated - obsessed even - by the weather. Actually not an unusual phenomenon even if this time all-time records were falling and we were all suffering various forms of misery as well as an odd sense of freedom...

The ‘Climate Atlas’ and the cost of belief

from eco/art/scot/land Amitav Ghosh is struggling with the role of literature and why he and other authors find it difficult to in any way speak to the climate crisis even as it unfolds around us. His contention in The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the...

What is Landscape Justice?

Tim Collins: What is Landscape Justice and Why Does it Matter? available at ecoartscotland In the second of two pieces resulting from Landscape Research Group(LRG) events, Tim Collins (with input from Reiko Goto) reports on the Debate focused on Landscape Justice held...

Exhibition: Jan O’Highway

VANITAS an exhibition by Jan O'Highway Garden Room Gallery, June 1 to 13. Emerging from darkness… reminiscent of a 17th century Vanitas still life, the strong chiaroscuro of these images emphasizes the underlying structures of plants in all their forms – seed to leaf...

First Friday, April 6

Join us on April 6 for First Friday As always, we gather at 1pm for a shared lunch – bring something to share. Around 2, we re-convene for our guest artist talk, this month by Donna Mitchell, hosted by Mark Leahy (who is an Director). Donna says: "I've come...

Short Course: Embodying the Line

Monday May 21 @ 14.30 to Friday May 25 @ 16.00 Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devon TQ9 6EL, UK an Residential Short Course with poet Alyson Hallett and dance artist Deborah Black and guest artist Phil Smith   Embodying the Line: writing, movement...