Farewell messages

Farewell messages

Below is a random sampling of letters sent to us after we announced the closure of art.earth. We include these here partly as a testament to the work our wonderful team managed to pull out of the hat between 2016 and 2023 but also to underline the importance of having...
January 2023: Kyra Clegg

January 2023: Kyra Clegg

Each month one of the art.earth Board of Directors selects an artist from the membership because they are particularly taken with their work. This month our Featured Artist is Kyra Clegg selected by Julia Bond. Hello Kyra, can you talk to us about what are you...
December 2022: Tom Baskeyfield

December 2022: Tom Baskeyfield

Each month one of the art.earth Board of Directors selects an artist from the membership because they are particularly taken with their work. This month our Featured Artist is Tom Baskeyfield selected by Mat Osmond. Darkness holds its special power and its special...
First Friday December 2: member showcase

First Friday December 2: member showcase

First Fridays are our informal gatherings/sharings, open to all. They started life as a physical place to meet up for a shared lunch followed by a live or occasionally remote presentation by an artist or group. Since May 2020 we have been gathering online which has...