by | Oct 8, 2013 | Artists, Artwork, Conference 2012
Here is a video made by one of the participants in the Labyrinth walk in the US. …and the ‘official’ video from the Delaware Art Museum by | Oct 8, 2013 | Artists, Artwork, Conference 2012
Broken Homes Sue Hill Abstract This paper focuses on the complexity of notions of ‘home’, with special reference to the work I have been doing in conflict areas, through WildWorks and the Eden Project, with people who have experienced what happens... by | Oct 8, 2013 | Artists, Conference 2012
Matter, meaning and making: a contextual approach to sustainable development Abstract The term sustainable development is often criticized for having lost credibility due to a lack of clear-cut delineation. This contribution agrees that the term suffers from a... by | Oct 8, 2013 | Artists, Conference 2012
Aesthetics, Ethics and Nature Paul O’Brien Abstract Should we value baby seals over baby rats, just because most people believe that seals are cuter? If it’s inappropriate to judge humans on aesthetic grounds, why is it appropriate to judge between species... by | Oct 8, 2013 | Artists, Artwork, Conference 2012
A Bundle of Sticks Peter Ward Abstract ‘‘Art does not reproduce the visible but makes visible’’ Paul Klee (1) “At the heart of today’s ecological crisis lies a terrible failure to understand the essence of our relationship with the natural world. One can of... by | Oct 5, 2013 | Artists, Conference 2012
Place is learning us This paper examines and explains the motivation behind our performance walks. Our method involves a repeated research walk in which we look for the memories inscribed into place, and consider that whilst we are learning place, place is also...