by | Oct 28, 2021 | News, Research
We have worked closely with colleagues and friends at Dartington since out very first event in 2016. During that time the estate has gone through enormous changes and we have been delighted to watch the re-emergence of learning at the core of Dartington’s work....
by | Dec 16, 2016 | News, Past events, Research
Gabi Gershuny has written a piece about Feeding the Insatiable which took place early last month. More than a simple review, it’s an interesting piece that picks up on the essential ideas from the summit. You can read it here. It’s posted on a really...
by | Nov 23, 2016 | Artwork, Conference 2012, Essays & other writing, News, Past events, Research, Resources
It’s only taken us four-and-a-half years, but we’ve finally published the papers and reports from The Home & The World, our first creative summit which took place in June 2012. This event was produced not by but by the wonderful team at... by | Sep 26, 2016 | Essays & other writing, Research
Ingold’s Sustainability of Everything Originally posted at ecoartscotland September 25, 2016 by chrisfremantle Sustainability is an overused word. It is much diminished by its occurrence in too many documents purporting to suggest that transport, local government or...
by | Sep 1, 2016 | News, Research
Chris Fremantle – Land Art Generator Initiative Video from the Test Unit Pecha Kucha at the Whisky Bond, Glasgow, July 2016, which provides a context for LAGI Glasgow. Thanks to TAKTAL for the opportunity. [Originally posted on eco/art/scot/land] LAGI come to...