Join us for the summer gathering of First Friday on July 3.
This month is a little different
We will gather on Zoom at 1300hrs BST to share conversation. If you’re unsure about how to do this there is a special page on the website to tell you how to connect.
Share food: Thanks to those who sent recipes, which you’ll find below. Make these on Friday!
Share art, share conversation: July’s First Friday is the last before the summer break (we don’t meet again until September). So we want to approach it a bit differently and have an online conversation. The question to ponder is this: What has changed in your life in response to the pandemic? The answers to the question may be about now or about forever, may be about art or about life (or perhaps for you these two things are inseparable), they may be about the body or the mind, it may be fleeting or fundamental, your answer may even be ‘nothing’.
We’re open to all kinds of contributions, so if you want to write or make something in response to the question that you’d like to have a few minutes to share please contact us.
The conversation
The chat
Join us for the next First Friday, August 7 2020