13:01:42 From Caroline Hyde-Brown : hello everybody! 13:02:44 From Carolyn Black : Hi!! 13:02:53 From Caroline Hyde-Brown : I like the way this conversation is going...!! 13:03:01 From Lizzie : Hello everyone from me in Truro Cornwall 13:03:14 From Caroline Hyde-Brown : Poor Richard he needs a cuddle! 13:03:33 From Jane Eaton : Hi to everyone 13:03:42 From Sally Kirk : hello 13:04:04 From Alison SummersBell : Can recommend reading 'Invisible Women' ! 13:04:26 From Jacqui Jones : Hi Paeony … I did the MA at NUA too! 13:04:35 From Carolyn Black : Links to films mentioned 13:04:37 From Carolyn Black : https://vimeo.com/512251223 https://vimeo.com/493295548 https://vimeo.com/518496474 13:05:06 From Linnah : Hi Anna! We are friends on lots of things but have never met! I'm Linda Ingham :) 13:05:08 From Alison SummersBell To Richard Povall(privately) : Great to be here - not something I could do easily if it was actually a physical thing! 13:05:42 From Liz Wells : Hello everyone. 13:05:58 From Tina Scopa : Yes we can save the chat 13:06:09 From Tina Scopa : Hello from Scotland 13:06:32 From Liz Wells : See https://exeterramm.admit-one.eu/?p=tickets&perfCode=3837&ev=4318 for a talk that I shall be giving relating to my forthcoming exhibition there, Seedscapes: Future-Proofing Nature. 13:07:01 From Richard Povall : high-water.org 13:07:35 From Tina Scopa : I’ve shared the information with some local groups here - I’m on theEast coast 13:08:19 From Tina Scopa : I know what you mean! 13:08:38 From Richard Povall : Thanks for that Tina, that’s great 13:08:59 From Richard Povall : Thanks Liz for that link, I’ll check that our and share with the community as well 13:09:31 From Tina Scopa : Yes - research and the physical 13:09:49 From Tina Scopa : Sounds familiar! 13:10:13 From Tina Scopa : Beautiful 13:10:46 From Caroline Hyde-Brown : Lovely work.. 13:11:32 From Tina Scopa : Reminds me of the Pecha Kucha timing with sides experience! 13:11:43 From Tina Scopa : slides 13:13:26 From Tina Scopa : Love these prints 13:13:54 From Richard Povall : There’s something really ethereal about this work, lovely 13:14:16 From Caroline Hyde-Brown : Yes its quite magical really 13:14:20 From Tina Scopa : Wonderful! 13:14:38 From Tina Scopa : Walking in circles! 13:15:13 From Paeony Lewis : Had never heard of a circular camera - how interesting. 13:15:20 From Linnah : Love these! 13:15:33 From Tina Scopa : Neither have I Paeony! 13:16:00 From Lizzie : me neither 13:16:08 From Caroline Hyde-Brown : I use photogrid to chop up frames and views and it reminds me of this in a way.... 13:16:09 From Tina Scopa : Yes! Mud! 13:16:19 From Richard Povall : If you haven’t got your audio muted can you please mute yourself - thanks! 13:16:33 From Helen Ottaway : love the mud photos 13:16:38 From Paeony Lewis : Mud, so effective in black and white. 13:16:46 From Tina Scopa : Not used but heard of it 13:16:55 From Caroline Hyde-Brown : I love gelli printing the kids love it! 13:17:06 From Richard Povall : Really interesting process. Can’t quite imagine working with ‘jelly’ 13:17:15 From Caroline Hyde-Brown : its gelatin 13:17:22 From Tina Scopa : I know the hit and miss thing! 13:17:26 From Richard Povall : Yes, I assuming that! 13:17:34 From Tina Scopa : Love the experimentation 13:17:53 From Tina Scopa : Lovely images 13:18:09 From Anna Kirk-Smith : Really enjoying these drawings 13:18:12 From Caroline Hyde-Brown : Nice - I think the break in Bristol has freed you up ...sometimes a break away from practice can really help! 13:18:31 From Tina Scopa : ‘Rejects’ - labels/judgment like my ‘weeds’ 13:18:42 From Carolyn Deby : beautiful work Carolyn! 13:19:03 From Tina Scopa : You can find out about the gel prints on the internet 13:19:06 From Linnah : I think working into prints completely valid! 13:19:18 From Selby : Sorry to have joined late . Beautiful work - wish I had been here at the beginning . 13:19:21 From Sally Kirk : is the circular camera a special lens or a special camera? Can we see it? 13:19:29 From Liz McGowan : Carolyn what was it like finding that you had to put yourself into those 360 degree photos 13:19:37 From Richard Povall : Not a problem Selby - good to see you here 13:19:42 From Caroline Hyde-Brown : You can do monoprinting open printing and all sorts of printing with plants on one! 13:21:24 From Rosie Kearton : great presentation thx 13:21:34 From Tina Scopa : It’s like the traditional scientific separation of ourselves from our studies - it misses so much 13:22:13 From Helen Ottaway : really interesting talk Carolyn - would love to hear more 13:22:18 From Richard Povall : Yes, that’s a great point Tina 13:22:46 From Tina Scopa : Yes, it was such a short talk - would love more 13:23:28 From Tina Scopa : Like I do with people too! 13:24:38 From Tina Scopa : curiosity 13:24:51 From Judy Harington : Thank you Caroline! 13:24:51 From Tina Scopa : That’s a shame we need more time - longer talks 13:25:03 From Carolyn Black : carolyndevos@gmail.com 13:25:11 From Tina Scopa : Yes every day! 13:25:17 From Carolyn Black : www.carolynblackart.com 13:25:31 From Linnah : Sorry so short well done Carolyn, really like your work 13:25:40 From Tina Scopa : Lovely! 13:25:49 From Tina Scopa : Ancient!! 13:26:03 From Tina Scopa : innocence 13:26:49 From Tina Scopa : Absolutely, I think of how different my grandmother’s life was - she wouldn’t recognise the world now 13:27:16 From Paeony Lewis : Carolyn, you've inspired me to return to drawing. Glorious work and the camera is intriguing. 13:27:21 From Carolyn Black : Thank you Linnah 13:27:52 From Carolyn Black : Fantastic Paeony 13:27:53 From Richard Povall : wow! 13:27:54 From Tina Scopa : So much trauma 13:28:14 From Carolyn Black : Great photos Jan 13:28:14 From Richard Povall : lovely portrait 13:28:14 From Tina Scopa : beautiful 13:28:31 From Tina Scopa : Gorgeous drawing 13:28:49 From Tina Scopa : yes 13:28:57 From Rebecca : yes 13:28:58 From Tina Scopa : The zoom silence! 13:29:07 From Richard Povall : Zoom doom 13:29:21 From Liz McGowan : I absolutely remember Dusty and mothers pride! 13:29:26 From Tina Scopa : Who’s the artist - the maintenance manifesto? 13:29:36 From Tina Scopa : Hanna merles something? 13:29:51 From Caroline Hyde-Brown : Fascinating...my brother picked up a bomb on the South Downs ...he was 11! 13:30:00 From Tina Scopa : Beautiful place 13:30:18 From Tina Scopa : Wonderful! 13:30:27 From Jacqui Jones : I lived in Llan Ffestiniog, The world’s big village. 13:30:33 From Carolyn Black : Circular walk. https://youtu.be/lDdJryF3UTk 13:30:40 From Tina Scopa : Oh! 13:31:27 From Tina Scopa : There are so many old mines here I keep finding 13:31:31 From Richard Povall : Lovely mural 13:31:39 From Tina Scopa : And some still current 13:32:22 From Rosie Kearton : my best friend Maggi lived in Croesor - bet you know her? 13:32:37 From Tina Scopa : Everyday actions are affecting the world 13:32:38 From Richard Povall : We wonder why there has been such an increase in cancers - I think it’s not such a difficult question really 13:32:53 From Tina Scopa : Yum! 13:33:22 From Tina Scopa : They ate children I hear! 13:33:58 From Tina Scopa : It looks wonderful fun - I’d love that now 13:34:25 From Tina Scopa : Black mountain! 13:34:39 From Tina Scopa : No!!! 13:34:48 From Tina Scopa : Too short!!! 13:34:59 From Tina Scopa : Lovely photos 13:35:35 From Richard Povall : Sounds quite ahead of its time! 13:36:08 From Caroline Hyde-Brown : Is Arts Space still there?? I am from Southampton and I used to do a lot of community work at Making Space in Havant.. 13:36:09 From Tina Scopa : Lovely object 13:37:42 From Paeony Lewis : Adore the simplicity of the four green and yellow tiles, Jan. I too am concerned about toxicity - photographic chemicals, worrying. 13:38:21 From Richard Povall : Love the jars - great idea 13:38:32 From Lizzie : Love it 13:38:34 From Tina Scopa : disturbing 13:38:46 From Caroline Hyde-Brown : I wonder if they will go mouldy?? 13:39:00 From Paeony Lewis : The aspirations are so thought provoking - great! 13:39:02 From Richard Povall : I believe there’s quite some experimentation with non-toxicphotogrtaphy 13:39:13 From Tina Scopa : Need enough time for next person too 13:39:32 From Jacqui Jones : Powerful work Jan 13:40:36 From Tina Scopa : Is there another person to talk still? 13:40:54 From Judy Harington : Can you expand on ‘off-gassing’ please? 13:41:40 From Tina Scopa : Oh I see - it’s two speakers - is the right? 13:41:47 From Tina Scopa : that 13:41:49 From Paeony Lewis : Sustainable photography is something I'll be studying, but I have reservations about certain aspects and fixer is problematic. 13:42:35 From Tina Scopa : Wonderful images! 13:43:05 From Liz Wells : See Mandy Barker’s work on plastic pollution of the oceans - https://www.mandy-barker.com/work 13:43:11 From Richard Povall : Do we know if there is a website or some such about toxicity in materials? 13:43:15 From Tina Scopa : Yes! I’d love to talk more with you about this! 13:43:24 From Tina Scopa : Loving it!! 13:43:48 From Richard Povall : Wow those are gorgeous 13:44:27 From Carolyn Black : Lovely, have never tried it - we can do mutual raining session, swap for gelli 13:44:38 From Tina Scopa : yes 13:44:40 From Carolyn Black : Training not raining! 13:44:41 From Caroline Hyde-Brown : Gorgeous! 13:44:51 From Richard Povall : Haven’t seen cyanotypes quite like these 13:44:53 From Tina Scopa : Seaweed love it! 13:45:32 From Carolyn Black : Underwater camera image amazing 13:45:40 From Tina Scopa : I know what you me - I had that experience with monoprints 13:45:53 From Tina Scopa : Please put that reference in the chat 13:46:50 From Tina Scopa : ‘My interaction with the environment was just as important’ 13:46:51 From Caroline Hyde-Brown : Wow quite a collection! 13:46:55 From Carolyn Black : Interesting that being there felt more important than the printing- I felt that when first using gel prints, collecting grasses etc from riverbank,, 13:47:06 From Tina Scopa : Mmm could eat that! 13:47:33 From Tina Scopa : Love that carolyn 13:47:52 From Tina Scopa : Yes! I have that ‘problem’ with my work! 13:48:08 From Caroline Hyde-Brown : Salt?? 13:48:27 From Tina Scopa : We’ve got kelp - come visit me in Scotland and play with kelp 13:48:35 From Tina Scopa : It’s very sunny here in Scotland 13:48:46 From Tina Scopa : Wet days are for the computer! 13:48:52 From Richard Povall : Yes I was wondering about salt as a fixer 13:49:05 From Richard Povall : London Alternative Photography Collective 13:49:22 From Richard Povall : and Los Angeles School of Light (great name) 13:49:25 From Tina Scopa : Follow distractions - very important! 13:49:33 From Rachael Allain : Yes, salt works but very slowly….. 13:49:35 From Richard Povall : ooh, love these 13:49:38 From Tina Scopa : Love that image 13:50:00 From Tina Scopa : motivation 13:50:08 From Richard Povall : Capturing ephemerality - a lovely oxymoron? 13:50:28 From Tina Scopa : Please share info in chat for that group 13:50:43 From Tina Scopa : Absolutely gorgeous 13:51:11 From Richard Povall : Love the Norwich city walk 13:51:24 From Tina Scopa : Love these 13:51:41 From Tina Scopa : I like the reflections 13:51:54 From Richard Povall : Jan has done some amazing scanner art - perhaps she will share that one day 13:52:08 From Tina Scopa : Yes, I have the same paper sensitivities with my work too 13:52:20 From Tina Scopa : You have a discovery 13:52:45 From Tina Scopa : I need the moisture for mine 13:52:53 From Tina Scopa : Wonderful details 13:52:58 From Caroline Hyde-Brown : wow! 13:53:38 From Tina Scopa : We’re on parallel journeys with different tachniques 13:53:49 From Tina Scopa : ‘Nature is what’s important for me’ 13:54:06 From Tina Scopa : Wow, greater definition with these 13:54:25 From Tina Scopa : The slices incredible 13:54:42 From Caroline Hyde-Brown : the figs look almost rock like... 13:54:43 From Carolyn Black : The apple peel evokes curiosity……interested to know what the concepts are behind the work - love the ‘lab’ experiment nature of them. Cyanolumens are really fascinating…..I think I”d rather not know what they are! 13:55:23 From Tina Scopa : Make me think of Spirograph? 13:56:02 From Tina Scopa : Soil!!!! Yes!!!!!!! 13:56:03 From Julia Bond : Really interesting processes.Love capturing the transient quality. 13:56:12 From Tina Scopa : Come visit when we can!!!!!!! 13:56:38 From Judy Harington : Wonderful talk Briony - thank you. I thought that Cyanide salts were poisonous! 13:56:40 From Paula Pink : Beautiful presentation Paeony - love all your work 13:57:06 From Tina Scopa : amazing 13:57:33 From Tina Scopa : I love your work! 13:57:54 From Linnah : Thanks Paeony - really enjoyed! 13:58:07 From Lizzie : Loved your presentation Peony. Thank you so much. 13:58:34 From Linnah : Good to meet everyone - great event, thanks to all! 13:58:36 From j.m.fox.art@gmail.com : Thanks Paeony so interesting … I’m inspired x 13:58:42 From Jane Eaton : Fascinating, thank you for introducing so many different processes. 13:59:00 From Helen Ottaway : Thanks Paeony very interesting and beautiful images 13:59:40 From Tina Scopa : I agree 13:59:59 From Tina Scopa : You’re ok Paeony 14:00:27 From Caroline Hyde-Brown : Well done amazing talk 14:01:02 From Tina Scopa : wonderfful 14:01:10 From Tina Scopa : More polymaths! 14:01:43 From Tina Scopa : It’s all interconnected 14:01:59 From Selby : Wonderful presentations - thank you to you all …. So quick …inspires many questions for each of you …. will have to email … 14:02:04 From Tina Scopa : absolutely 14:02:49 From Tina Scopa : Yes, fantastic work 14:03:52 From Tina Scopa : You can laser edge on bread too! 14:03:55 From Carolyn Deby : gorgeous exploration and really lovely work Paeony 14:03:56 From Tina Scopa : etch 14:04:02 From Lizzie : Richard, thank you! Another wonderful session. Feeling all the richer, bless you. Thank you fantastic presenters. Please excuse me peeling off... 14:04:41 From Tina Scopa : Thank you everyone 14:04:55 From Tina Scopa : Capturing ephemeral 14:05:20 From Carolyn Black : Sorry I have to get off now, thank you and do please get in touch on instagram am severnsideartist. Bye! 14:05:22 From Caroline Hyde-Brown : I really enjoyed that thank you so much! what a talented bunch! 14:05:37 From Tina Scopa : Look forward to it 14:05:45 From Christiane Berghoff : Glad i got the tail end….thank you to everyone! 14:05:49 From Liz Wells : Thank you Richard, speakers and everyone. 14:05:50 From Selby : Thank you very much 14:05:52 From Helen Ottaway : Another fascinating session. Thank you Richard and all 14:05:54 From Alison SummersBell : Thank you!! 14:05:54 From Paeony Lewis : Loving all the comments