Robbie Wilson writes:
I’ve recently completed two playful and interactive walking podcasts (imaginatively entitled Wandercast) and I would love to know what you think. Simply download them onto a mobile device and away you go! If you would like to start with an introductory episode which welcomes you to the World of Wandercast then begin at the beginning (i.e. this one). If you would like to leap straight in with the hot, hot, playful action then jump into the Headphone Adventure Playground (i.e. this one).
This is for my PaR PhD in performance so please, please, please do fill in the feedback forms, which are accessible via links at the bottom of each post. Otherwise I will cry (and will have some awkward explaining to do in my viva…).
Have fun Unearthing some Play in your Everyday!
With best wishes,
Robbie Z Wilson
Ph.D. Candidate, Assistant Lecturer & Equity Actor
Centre for Cognition, Kinaesthetics, and Performance
School of Arts, University of Kent
Canterbury CT2 7UG