It has been a while since our last mailout – sorry: a reflection of just how busy we have been. We’ve been up to a lot of things (trees, farmers, meadows, articles, journals and more) but for this newsletter we decided just to share the big and most current news: and it’s all about The Long View. Some of you may already have seen the exhibition or received a copy of the book. Read on for a small review, and news of Talks we’re giving in Grizedale and Kendal this month. News of other projects will follow soon, but we won’t be sending frequent newsletters. Events, gatherings, publications and presentations seem to be coming thick and fast and the best way to keep up to date is to check into our Facebook page and/or keep an eye on Twitter – the links are at the bottom of this newsletter. In the mean time, hope you are getting out in the sunshine and enjoying Summer.

harriet and rob