by | Mar 24, 2022 | Our Events, Past events, Recent
Friday May 27: 10:15 – 17.30 BST £60 / £45 Concessions (unwaged, low income, student) You will need your own transport or carshare (there is no functionally useful public transport available) Book now Read full details One-day workshop with Helen Poynor (Walk of...
by | Feb 22, 2022 | First Friday, Past events, Recent
First Fridays happen on the first Friday of every month, a gathering place for artists or anyone interested in the arts, an opportunity to share ideas, knowledge and art. We’re still meeting virtually (on Zoom). Perhaps we’ll start to nudge back towards some in-person...
by | Jan 19, 2022 | First Friday, Our Events, Past events, Recent
February 2022’s guest artists were Gaia Redgrave, Jude Allen and Natasha Clarke. As usual, the three guest artists shared their work and open a discussion. Chat Here is the chat session Video Gaia Redgrave Gaia says: I’ll be presenting about…two distinct...
by | Nov 12, 2021 | First Friday, Our Events, Past events, Recent
Our next First Friday gathering is on Friday December 3, starting at 13.00GMT/UTC+0. In normal times, First Fridays are a gathering place for artists or anyone interested in the arts, an opportunity to share food and talk. Each month, after lunch, there is an informal...
by | Nov 12, 2021 | Borrowed Time, Our Events, Past events, Recent
Remembrance Day for Lost Species on November 30 is a chance each year to explore the stories of extinct and critically endangered species, cultures, lifeways, and ecological communities. RDLS is a project of the wondrous ONCA gallery. Whilst emphasising that...
by | Nov 12, 2021 | Borrowed Time, Past events, Recent
Join us for the last in the series of events that have been Borrowed Time: on death, dying & change. As Borrowed Time’s final event, we mark the tenth Remembrance Day for Lost Species returning us to the predicament of accelerating ecological loss that gave birth...